(I) Terms and Conditions of Use
The use of this Website implies an unconditional agreement with the terms of use. Please read these terms carefully before using the Website. HI reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time.


General information
Website operator: Helios Invest GmbH, Friesenweg 2c, 22763 Hamburg Germany, info@heliosinvestgmbh.com (hereinafter, HI).


The name, distinctive title, badge, images, graphics, distinctive features, texts and anything else contained on the website www.heliosinvestgmbh.com are the protected intellectual and industrial property of HI. Any trademarks, names or other third-party intellectual and industrial property rights also displayed on the Website shall be protected in accordance with applicable laws. The user may not copy, reproduce, disseminate, distribute, transmit or use the above in any manner other than as expressly specified in this Website.


Limitation of liability – Disclaimer
The content of the Website is available for general information purposes and is not intended to provide case-by-case consulting or to replace expert advice.

HI expressly reserves the right to modify, supplement or delete parts of individual pages or the whole content of the Website or to temporarily or permanently discontinue the operation of the Website without notice.

Under no circumstances shall HI be liable for any form of damage suffered by the Website visitor/user as a result of the use of or inability to use the Website, the unavailability or failure to update the content of the Website in a timely manner, or for the consequences of any act or omission of its visitors that occurred as a result of the use of the Website.

While HI uses its best endeavours to ensure that the Website pages and content are provided virus-free, HI does not guarantee that the Website or any other website to which it refers or the servers through which the content is made available to visitors/users are provided virus-free or without other harmful components. The Website visitor/user shall undertake the relevant risk and any expense that may arise in any such case.


Use of links to third-party websites
The Website provides access to third party websites through appropriate links. These links have been placed solely for the convenience of the Website visitors/users, while the websites to which they refer are subject to their respective terms of use. The placement of the links is not an indication and should not be construed as an approval, adoption or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by HI; HI does not guarantee or bear any responsibility for the accuracy of such websites’ content or for the data protection policies applied by the same. Should the Website visitor/user decide to visit or use, through the Website links, any of the third-party websites, the visitor/user acknowledges and accepts that they shall do so at their own risk.


Applicable law and other conditions
The Website Terms and Conditions as well as any modification or change thereof shall be governed by the applicable Greek and European laws.


(II) Personal data protection
The purpose of this data protection statement is to inform the users of this Website on the type, scope and purpose of personal data collection and use by the Website operator, Helios Invest GmbH.

HI collects Website access data on the basis of its legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) and stores them as “server logs” on the Website server (see log files below).

HI takes the protection of your data very seriously and treats your personal data in a confidential manner and in accordance with the applicable Greek and European legislation. Given that changes may be made to this data protection statement due to new technologies and the continued further development of this Website, we recommend that you read this data protection statement again at regular intervals.

Definitions of the terms used herein (e.g. ‘personal data’ or ‘processing’) are included in Article 4 of the GDPR.


Personal data processing during Website use
The following information on the protection of your personal data concerns the manner in which we process your personal information when you contact us. You may also visit this Website without providing any personal information.


Controller’s contact details
For any processing of personal data carried out in the context of any possible interaction with the Authority, including your visit to this Website, the Controller is Helios Invest GmbH, Friesenweg 2c, 22763 Hamburg Germany, info@heliosinvestgmbh.com.


When and how we collect personal data
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you because you have submitted a contact request either as a natural person or as a representative of a legal entity. Your information shall be stored so that it can be used by us to process and respond to your request.


Data notification and transmission
We typically do not notify or transfer data to any third parties. In certain cases, however, we are legally obliged to notify your data. For example, in execution of a court order.

We do not notify your personal data to any third parties for product or service promotion purposes.

The Website is also managed by Synapsis Business Consultants Ltd, the relevant staff of which may access the contact request lists. The said company and its staff may not further process your personal data, unless we have explicitly instructed them to do so, nor transfer your personal data to any third parties.


Your rights in relation to personal data
According to the data protection legislation, when we process your personal data you have certain rights that we should inform you about. The rights you can exercise as regards HI include the following:

Right of information and transparency (Articles 12-14 GDPR): This is the right to be informed on who processes your data, what these data are, and why they are subject to processing.

Right of access (Article 15 GDPR): You have the right to request from us, at any time, information on the processing of your data by HI and/or copies of your personal data held by us.

Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR): You have the right to ask us, at any time, to correct the information you believe to be inaccurate. You also have the right to request the completion of the information you consider incomplete.

Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) (Article 17 GDPR): You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data in certain circumstances, such as when such data is no longer required, you have revoked your consent, the data has been unlawfully processed, and so on.

Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR): You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your data in certain circumstances, such as when the accuracy of such data is contested, processing is illegal, the data is no longer needed by the controller, you have objections to their automated processing, and so on.

Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR): This only applies to the data you have provided to us. You have the right to request that we transfer the data you have provided to us to another body or that we provide you with such data. This right only applies if we process information on the basis of your consent or for the purpose of entering into or performing a contract and the processing is automated.

Right to object to processing (Article 21 GDPR): Since we process your personal data, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. If, however, there are compelling and legitimate grounds for processing that override your rights and interests, we may refuse your objection; this shall depend on the reason for processing.

Right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your data: For any queries you may contact us at info@heliosinvestgmbh.com, either to exercise your rights (access, objection, etc.) or to request information and we shall reply to you.


Processing of data you provide to us directly as a natural person
When you contact us as a data subject, we process your full name and contact details (email address, telephone number, etc.), the details of your representative, if any, and any other personal data you may provide to us with your contact request. We also store our response to your request in our system. Providing your said data is necessary in order for us to meet your request.


Purpose and legal basis for processing
We process your personal data in order to be able to respond to your request for information in the context of the provision of our services.


How long we keep your personal data
Your personal data is kept in HI’s records in accordance with the definitions in Article 5 (1) (e) of GDPR.


Information on cookies
HI’s policy on the use of cookies on the Website, as well as information on how to enable visitors/users to manage their cookie preferences with the appropriate settings in their browsers are presented below.


What are cookies
Cookies are small text files which contain information and are stored by the website server on a visitor’s/user’s terminal device (computer, mobile phone, etc.) during navigation to the website. The Website retrieves such information during each visit in order to provide related services. A typical example of such information is the user’s preferences on a website, as stated by the selections made (e.g. selecting specific buttons, searches, etc.).

The user’s consent is not required for cookies which are considered technically necessary for the realisation of the connection to the Website or for the provision of the internet service.

Cookies may be installed by the provider of the website visited by the user (first party cookies) or by others through the provider of the website visited by the user (third party cookies).


Cookie management through the browser
You can set up your internet browser so that it shall warn you about the use of cookies and not allow the acceptance of cookies under any circumstances. In this case some services and functions may not operate. Not selecting this setting shall, of course, not be interpreted as your will to accept all cookies without exception.

You can also delete all cookies already on your device by deleting the browsing history of your browser. This will delete all cookies from all websites visited through the specific browser. Please note, however, that some stored information may also be lost (e.g. saved login information, site preferences).

To manage and disable cookies, you can follow the relevant instructions for each browser type:
• Microsoft Edge
• Internet Explorer
• Mozilla Firefox
• Google Chrome
• Safari
• Opera

Cookie categories and settings

Your cookie preferences can be managed through the cookie banner.

With the consent of visitors/users, we will use additional optional cookies to measure and analyse traffic (Google analytics) in order to improve the Website’s performance and content.

Information on each cookie category and the visitor’s/user’s ability to manage their cookie preferences is provided below. The pre-selection of optional cookies is disabled by default and is enabled only with the visitor’s/user’s positive action.


Necessary cookies
Cookies in this category are necessary for the Website’s proper and effective operation. These cookies store information on the retention of the user’s session after connecting to the Website, as well as the visitor’s/user’s preferences regarding the use of optional cookies. The use of mandatory cookies does not require the visitor’s/user’s consent.


Measurement and Analysis or Traffic Cookies – Google Analytics
Cookies in this category are used to obtain Website traffic statistics for the sole purpose of improving the Website performance and content, provided that the visitor/user have already consented.

We use Google analytics for the said purpose.


Log files
Certain data are automatically collected from by our server and recorded in special log files during your visit to the Website.

The following data are recorded in the said manner: (a) Website visit; (b) time of access; (c) amount of data in bytes; (d) source/referral from which you arrived at the Website; (e) browser you are using; (f) operating system you are using; (g) IP address you are using. The said statistics do not identify you, are not used for any other purpose and are not notified to any third parties. They may only be notified to the processing company for Website administration purposes.

The purpose of storing this information is to control the security of Website information and services, investigate any online attacks and incidents, and support any relevant legal claims.

The log files shall be kept for a period of seven (7) days and may be notified to the processing company for Website administration purposes and to the competent authorities if necessary to investigate any online attacks and incidents.