Our Approach for Successful Transactions

We apply a flexible approach, tailored on developer’s targets and project requirements; we aim for the best result and joint success


  • Jointly define the needs and develop the best solution alternatives available.
  • Align objectives, expectations & information with the seller.
  • Identify potential buyers on anonymous basis.
  • Propose ca. 5 candidates.

Non-binding Offers

  • Sign NDAs with agreed candidates.
  • Obtain price offers (non-binding) based on preliminary information.
  • Negotiate detailed terms with 2-3 candidates.

Signing/ Closing

  • Conduct Due Diligence.
  • Negotiate Contract Negotiation.
  • Manage signing and closing process.

Ingredients of Success

  • Access to a pool of proven investor contacts.
  • Pre-selection of safe candidates.
  • Acting discretely in the market, information will only be shared in alignment with the owners.
  • Manage competition to obtain good results.
  • Manage execution to realize offered terms and prices into contracts.

We expect the overall process to last ca. 4 months.

Transaction Structuring Considerations

Our key considerations in preparing for a successful transaction:

Competitive Features

There is increased interest by international institutional investors for RE projects with competitive features, such as:

  • Attractive land and MWp size that ensure economies of scale.
  • Stable development structure.
  • Firm control on components, contracts, delivery and EPC.

Investor’s Active Involvement

The most common partnership approach for successful completion and delivery of the project requires an active role of the investor for:

  • The remaining licensing development steps.
  • Project Financing.
  • EPC and construction.

Safe Exit

Key considerations to ensure the developer’s safe exit include:

  • Pick investors which really can complete and deliver the RE project.
  • Define clearly the exit strategy and deliverables.
  • Set clear targets that enable trust to all parties.
  • Professionally structure the Due Diligence phase.